- Core object and execution model.
- Process Beans, component models for extending the
- Standalone graphical Designer (Swing-based).
- EJB-based Engine, JBoss 3.0 supported.
- Worklist-manager and accompanying process-beans.
- Designer as a plugin to Eclipse.
- Work-list handler for manual activities.
- Integration with user-repositories for
"route-to-role" and "route-to-user".
- Integration with web-services through JAX-RPC and JMS.
- Components for transforming and managing XML-based
workflow data.
- Monitor for monitoring and administering workflows.
- Repository for versioning and managing workflows at
- Engines for controlling web-applications in Struts,
WebWorks, wingS.
- Support for wfmc standards when they mature.
- Components for many domains: e-commerce, authoring,
customer support, software development, image processing.